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As a surveyor or agent we can help you

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Carter Jonas

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Nimbus’ key features for surveyors

Group 14665

Property information

See all the information you need on a property in a single click - including ownership, property sizes, uses, values, planning applications, constraints, traffic flow, footfall and more.

View comps and availability

View comps and availability

Get instant access to commercial sales and letting comparables together with quoting prices for all property use classes, in any market, across the whole of the UK.


Analyse corporate property portfolios

Plot the registered freehold and leasehold property ownership of any UK company or corporate group and access full details of their property portfolio.

Planning Search-1

Access historic company deals to support negotiations

See detailed information on registered freehold and leasehold acquisitions for any company to support rent review or sales and lettings negotiations.

Group 14262

Find opportunities first

See the investors and developers that are actively acquiring (and what they’re buying) so you can satisfy their requirement before anyone else does.

Group 14225

Smart acquisitions

Match any property requirement to suitable sites using our innovative site finding filters, plus use the project management tool to canvas owners, track interest received, and stay organised.

Key reads for Surveyors on the Nimbus Blog

Navigating the Supermarket industry: Trends, challenges, and opportunities

The supermarket property industry has witnessed significant shifts over recent years, influenced by evolving consumer habits, technological advancements, and market dynamics. Supermarkets are no longer just retail spaces; they are...

https://www.nimbusmaps.co.uk/blog/navigating-the-supermarket-industry-trends-challenges-and-opportunities - https://www.nimbusmaps.co.uk/surveyors
How Nimbus helps drive efficiency and growth

Access to the right data can make or break business decisions, especially when it comes to property. The Nimbus platform has long been delivering property data and insights that have been a game-changer for property professionals ...

https://www.nimbusmaps.co.uk/blog/how-nimbus-helps-drive-efficiency-and-growth - https://www.nimbusmaps.co.uk/surveyors
Are you attending Completely Retail Marketplace?

We’re excited to announce that Nimbus will be both exhibiting and sponsoring Completely Retail Marketplace (CRMP) next week, and we can’t wait to connect with you there! If you're a retailer, occupier, or EV operator looking for p...

https://www.nimbusmaps.co.uk/blog/completely-retail-marketplace-sept2024 - https://www.nimbusmaps.co.uk/surveyors
How businesses are increasing revenue with Nimbus

We live in an ‘always on’ world. So, when it comes to finding viable opportunities, why should the property sector be any different? Property professionals require innovative, digital tools that make finding ideal sites and contac...

https://www.nimbusmaps.co.uk/blog/how-businesses-are-increasing-revenue-with-nimbus - https://www.nimbusmaps.co.uk/surveyors